
Mike Cisneros-Franco

Postdoctoral fellow

Montreal Neurological Institute


My clinical studies have examined the relationship between clinical symptoms, neuropsychological function and perceived wellbeing. My animal research on neuroplasticity (the ability to adapt its functional properties in response to environmental demands) has examined the role of environmental influences and learning in shaping the brain during the lifespan. These studies have revealed fundamental mechanisms of brain plasticity that could result in novel neuroplasticity-based therapeutic interventions.

I currently work as a postdoctoral fellow in the research groups of Dr. Alain Dagher and Dr. Laurete Dubé carrying out a multidisciplinary project that will shed light on the mechanisms whereby biological, social, and environmental factors contribute to mal-adaptive eating behaviour, obesity, and obesity-related changes in brain structure.


  • Plasticity
  • Decision-making
  • Epilepsy
  • Development
  • Aging
  • Quality assessment


  • Ph.D. in Neuroscience, 2019

    McGill University

  • M.D., 2011

    Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon

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Neuroeconomics uses the tools of behavioral psychology, economics, and neuroscience.

Cortical plasticity

Development, learning, aging and the brain


Clinical features, antiepileptic drugs, cognition, and quality of life.